Training Division-History


Training Division
Training Division
Training Division
Training Division
Training Division
Training Division

The Law Enforcement Academy is an approved peace officer training center under Chapter 590 RSMo. As such, it provides certified basic and career enhancement courses to any law enforcement officer in the state upon proper application and payment of appropriate fees.

The Training Division recommends the curricula for recruit and in-service programs for uniformed members. They also schedule and conduct courses of instruction for civilian personnel of the Patrol and other agencies.

The Academy's facilities include three 40-person, tiered classrooms; one single-level classroom; one single-level computer room; a 115-bed dormitory; a cafeteria; a 10-point indoor range; a firearms training system room; gymnasium; defensive tactics room; weight room; water training tank; audiovisual studio; Breathalyzer laboratory; and a 1.3 mile, 4-lane asphalt emergency vehicle operations course facility.