Laboratory History

Contact Info
Troop H
P.O. Box 8580
St. Joseph, MO 64508-8580
Phone: 816-387-2345
Fax: 816-387-2349
Troop H is located at the intersection of Business I-29 and US-169 in the northeast
part of St. Joseph, about 1.5 miles west of the US-169 and I-29 interchange.
MapQuest Directions
GHQ Headquarters
1510 East Elm Street
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-526-6134
Fax: 573-751-9922
GHQ Headquarters is located on Elm Street in Jefferson City
MapQuest Directions
Troop B
308 Pine Crest Drive
Macon, MO 63552-1030
Phone: 660-385-2132
Fax: 660-385-3920
Troop B is located on Pine Crest Drive just south of US-36 on the west edge of Macon.
MapQuest Directions
Troop C
P.O. Box 612
Park Hills, MO 63601
Phone: 573-431-0166
Fax: 573-431-4429
Troop C Park Hills is located on Flat River Rd just east of Hwy 67 at the Leadington/Park
Hills/Hwy 32 West exit, at the entrance to Mineral Area College.
MapQuest Directions
Troop D Springfield
425 E. Phelps St.
Springfield, MO 65806
Phone: 417-868-9400
Fax: 417-895-6354
Troop D is located on 425 E. Phelps Street
MapQuest Directions
Troop D Carthage
5190 South Grand Ave
Carthage, MO 64836
Phone: 417-359-1560
Fax: 417-359-1565
The Carthage crime lab is located next to the MSHP Troop D Satellite office, which is off
of US 71, just north of I-44
MapQuest Directions
Troop G
1226 W. Business US-60/63
Willow Springs, MO 65793-0010
Phone: 417-469-1100
Fax: 417-469-3105
Troop G is located on Business US-60 just east of US-60 on the north edge of Willow Springs
MapQuest Directions
Troop E Cape Girardeau
122 S. Ellis St.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703-6246
Phone: 573-290-5130
Fax: 573-290-5133
Troop E is located on South Ellis Street in Cape Girardeau, just east of I-55
MapQuest Directions