PSD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Q: What does the Professional Standards Division investigate?
    A: The Professional Standards Division investigates allegations of misconduct against employees of the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
  • Q: Does the Professional Standards Division investigate allegations of misconduct against employees of other law enforcement agencies?
    A: No. Complaints involving officers from other departments should be filed with the appropriate law enforcement agency.
  • Q: How are complaints made?
    A: The Professional Standards Division will accept complaints via our online complaint/commendation system located on the Missouri State Highway Patrol website, as well as, by phone, e-mail, letter or in person. Complaints may also be received by any Patrol employee and forwarded to the Professional Standards Division via the on-line complaint system. Patrol employees will not interfere with, discourage, or delay the making or investigation of a complaint. You can reach the Professional Standards Division by telephone (573) 751-8801 or mail your concern to the Professional Standards Division at: 1510 East Elm Street, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0568. Letters of concern should contain your name, address, and telephone number along with the involved employee's name and/or badge number (if known), and the date of the incident.

    In addition to the above-mentioned options for filing a complaint, any of the nine troop headquarters located around the state can receive complaints by phone or in person.
  • Q: How are complaints investigated?
    A: Professional Standards Division investigators will conduct a thorough investigation of your complaint. Witnesses and employees will be contacted and asked to give statements. Records and other evidence will be collected and analyzed. Every effort is made to collect all data pertaining to your complaint so that an impartial conclusion may be reached. The Professional Standards Division may also conduct a preliminary inquiry for purposes of determining the nature of the allegations, verifying reliability and authenticity of information, and identifying whether substantive evidence exists to support a formal misconduct investigation.
  • Q: What happens when a complaint is found to be true?
    A: When the investigation reveals that the allegation(s) have been substantiated by a preponderance of evidence, and the Superintendent and his/her command staff determine that just cause exists to formally discipline the employee, appropriate administrative action will be taken.
  • Q: What happens if a complaint cannot be proven?
    A: A complaint is unsubstantiated if, by a preponderance of evidence, the facts do not support the allegation(s). Investigations may also result in the classification of exonerated, when investigative facts reveal an incident occurred, but the employees conduct was found to be in accordance with policy and/or the law. When investigative facts clearly demonstrate an event/allegation did not happen, the complaint will be classified as unfounded.
  • Q: Will the individuals who signed the complaint be notified of the outcome of a formal misconduct investigation?
    A: Yes. At the conclusion of a formal misconduct investigation, the complainant will receive a letter from the Superintendent summarizing the results of the investigation; however, pursuant to RSMo. 610.021, any imposed discipline or termination of employment is considered a closed record and may not be released by law.

Division Director

  • Captain Kirk A. Davis


  • Lieutenant John W. Dick
  • Lieutenant Joseph A. Veasman
  • Lieutenant Nathan D. Wallace

Contact Info

  • Phone: (573) 751-8801
  • Fax: (978) 244-8919